Preparing your lawn for Spring

As the winter frost melts away and the sun starts to shine brighter, it's time to give your lawn some much-needed attention. Spring is the perfect season to rejuvenate your grass and prepare it for the warmer months ahead. In this blog post, we will explore some essential lawn care tips from a groundsman's perspective to help you achieve a lush and healthy lawn this spring.

Start with a thorough clean-up

Before diving into any maintenance tasks, it's crucial to start with a thorough clean-up of your lawn. Remove any debris, fallen leaves, and dead grass that may have accumulated over the winter months. This will allow for better air circulation and sunlight penetration, promoting healthy grass growth.


It is important to adjust your mower height to a higher setting. This will help promote healthy grass growth and shade the soil, preventing weed growth. Avoid cutting your grass too short, as this can stress the grass and make it more susceptible to disease.

With the uncertain weather around this time we understand mowing schedules become difficult to stick to. Adjust this dependant on the weather.

Aerate the soil

Compacted soil can prevent water, nutrients, and oxygen from reaching the grassroots, leading to poor lawn health. We recommend aerating your lawn in the spring to alleviate soil compaction. Use a core aerator or garden fork to create small holes in the soil, allowing for better water and air circulation.

Overseed bare patches

Spring is the perfect time to overseed any bare patches in your lawn. Choosing high-quality grass seed that is suitable for your lawn type. Prepare the soil by creating a tilith using a light garden rake, spread the seed evenly over the bare areas and rake thoroughly until it looks as thought the seed has disappeared, water thoroughly, and keep the soil moist until the new grass seedlings establish.

Fertilise strategically

Proper fertilisation is key to maintaining a healthy lawn. As a groundsman, I recommend using a slow-release fertiliser in the spring to provide your grass with essential nutrients for growth. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and avoid over-fertilising, as this can lead to lawn damage.

Monitor watering

Proper watering is essential for a healthy lawn, especially in the spring when the weather can be unpredictable. Monitor the moisture levels in your soil and adjust your watering schedule accordingly with the weather.


By following these spring lawn care tips, you can ensure that your lawn remains healthy, lush, and vibrant throughout the season. Remember to stay consistent with your maintenance routine and address any issues promptly to enjoy a beautiful lawn that you can be proud of.

Happy gardening!

Danni Jackson